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our programs,Private learning

PRIVATE LEARNING For those who want to learn Western music and Carnatic music personally ……   Those who want to learn musical instruments and vocals in person can learn them individually in the time allotted to you at the corresponding rate. What is the heart that is comfortable with music?  ,

Teens & Adults

Teens & Adults     Teenagers and adults alike have an easy way to learn according to their mood and environment.It is their nature to think of young people to make new endeavors and achievements. Adults will want to learn lessons that have matured soberly. This website has tutorials for these types separately.                        …

Simplified lessons for children are also available here.                                                                                                                  ENTER Music is a gift from the Lord!

ON LINE VIDEO CLASSES       There is no doubt that this web class will give you the experience of going directly to a teacher and learning.        Each subject on this website will be explained by video. This will be followed by training lessons on the subject. Here you will find videos of that training to…

The most versatile keyboard instrument.


Improve your vocals: either solo or in a choir.